Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 25 October 2019

Global Warming update

Global Warming update

Supporters of the man-made global warming scare [AGW] must be embarrassed.
Altering of data, hiding of data, destruction of data, and computer models with GIGO [Garbage in, Garbage out].
At least one top scientist making money from his predictions.
Politicians imposing AGW taxes based on the discredited IPCC reports. Taxes that should now be removed.
Financial predators ready with massive schemes to make money based on the scandal struck IPCC forecasts.
But now there is an AGW bail-out starting. People of common sense are bailing out of the IPCC hoax.
  • The great global warming collapse
  • By Margaret Wente
  • From Saturday’s Globe and Mail

  • As the science scandals keep coming, the air has gone out of the climate-change movement.
Not only people, but whole countries have seen the light
  • India says it will establish its own body to monitor the effects of global warming
  • because it “cannot rely” on the IPCC.
It’s time to worry about pollution and global cooling, not man-made CO2.
In British Columbia,  the carbon tax should be removed and redesigned. Campbell’s scientific advisor has egg on his face and has some explaining to do. So much for “experts”.

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