Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 25 October 2019

By What Authority Did the Governments get their Power to Govern ? show us - [seriously]

By What Authority Did the Governments get their Power to Govern  ? show us - [seriously]

Today  poses awkward questions for politicians all across this country, and especially in Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba .
Mr/Mrs Politician, where does your government get its authority to govern ? This is not a question to be brushed off with a superior smile. Show us the source of your claimed authority to pass legislation with the force law. Show us.
Where, Ms Politician, is the ONLY legitimate source of your authority to enforce laws ? In a democratic state it is the people. Where else can it come from ?
Mr Politician, you are invited to rebut the following statements. politicians ESPECIALLY are invited to rebutâl
  • In a democratic society such as Canada the people have an inherent right to select their form of government. [by definition]
  • The people of Canada have never been given the opportunity to choose the form of government they prefer. [no document exists contradicting this]
Historical f-a-c-t
  • The day before the 1931 Statute of Westminster took effect, the legislative body sitting in Ottawa was the Central Legislature of a United Colony, whose function was to aid the Governor General as the agent of the British government. This colonial legislative body received its lawful authority to function from a British statute.
Historical f-a-c-t
  • The day after the Statute of Westminster took effect, the same legislative body sat in Ottawa, but without authority from the British government or from the Canadian people, thus usurping the power of the now sovereign Canadian people. This same form of government has continued unchanged until this day. The 1931 break in legal continuity [of the authority to rule] was ignored then, and is still ignored today.
  • The authority to rule in a democratic state can come ONLY from the people - in this case the Canadian people. [from the definition of democratic
  • The ONLY definition of a constitution that clothes government with the authority to govern in a democratic state is - A charter of government deriving its whole authority from the governed [Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Ed]
  • No government in Canada has ever been structured by the people. The form of all governments in Canada has always been imposed on the people by the government. [no document exists to contradict this]
  • Political parties that operate a form of government that has not been chosen by the people in a written document [a constitution] have usurped the sovereign power of the people. [by definition of usurped
  • The World Bank definition of a de facto [meaning unlawful] government is - A de facto government comes into, or remains in, power by means not provided for in the country's constitution, such as usurpation. [the absence of a constitution results in usurpation]
  • de facto government lacks authority to pass legislation with the force of law. [by definition]
  • The Criminal Code of Canada concurs with the previous statement - No person shall be convicted of an offence (against) laws made and enforced by persons in de facto possession of the sovereign power. [Sec 15]
  • Why is  Refederation the only way in Canada attempting to correct this constitutional vacuum ? Why are ALL other parties in Canada content to operate in this de facto political environment ?
  • In the 88 years since 1931 politicians have refused to address this problem. When will the people combine to force this issue ?
Solution ?
  • Each province can switch to a lawful government structure [independently]. All provinces can combine to require a lawful government in Ottawa.
  • If this constitutional problem is ever corrected, it will be when the people put aside secondary differences and vote themselves into power that will give them a constitution. The people will never get this from the present political class.

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